Preschool Admissions
Enrollment Policy
Acceptance into Our Savior Lutheran Preschool is determined by the following criteria:
Children must be toilet trained and able to function without a nap during school hours.
Children in the three-year-old program must turn three by Sept. 1 of the current school year.
Children in the morning four-year old program must turn four by Sept. 1 of the current school year.
Special Needs Enrollment
Children with special needs will be evaluated on a case by case basis. Evaluation may consist of a meeting between the parents, the faculty, and any therapists involved with the child.
If a child is accepted into the preschool program, there will be a six-week probationary period during which it will be decided if the program is proving mutually beneficial to the child as well as his/her classmates.
Our Savior Lutheran Preschool is licensed by the Division of Child Day Care
Licensing, Bureau of Regulatory Services, State of Michigan.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Our Savior Lutheran Preschool admits children of any race, color, sex, or
national or ethnic origin. Enrollment is restricted to children between the ages
of three and five years.