Our Savior Lutheran School has a primary responsibility to educate the students of the Lutheran congregations. It also enrolls students who hold membership in other churches and the un-churched. Students entering Kindergarten and first grade, according to Our Savior School Board regulation must be five and six years old respectively by September 1 of that year for attendance in that grade.
Financial Support
Financial support of the school is provided by the weekly offerings, which are brought by the members of Our Savior Church. Tuition is charged for all students who are not members of Our Savior congregation. Some congregations may choose to provide full or partial tuition support for their member students. This enables these congregations to ease the financial responsibilities of interested parents while at the same time offering the advantages of a Lutheran day school to all of their parishioners. Click here for more information on tuition and financial aid. Families may apply for financial aid after completing the admissions application.